Constant and True

Constant and True

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17


I swore I would never be like my parents. I remember watching them resist the magic of a new thing called “e-mail”, and vowing to keep up with new technology and not let it intimidate me. Now, it seems that just as my feeble brain makes sense of new algorithms, new social media (which if you don’t have, you’re irrelevant), and new apps that are essential to functioning in today’s society, everything changes.

It isn’t just technology that changes at a rapid pace. Powers on the world’s stage, natural landscapes, circumstances in our own lives like health, relationships, jobs, and finances. Sometimes, change can happen so rapidly, that we have a hard time making sense of anything. What was true yesterday will not be true tomorrow. And all of this change, especially sudden, negative change in our lives, can be so hard to grapple with.

So when our dependable go-to life rhythms shift, tried and true systems need updating, and solid foundations move, what can we count on?  If so much can change in my life, and in the world, how can I be sure God is dependable?

The answer can be found in God’s unchanging character.  James tells us that God does not change. Shifting shadows move and change. They’re not solid. But even when God’s creation changes, God does not. God has always been the source of every good thing, and he always will be.

God is unchanging in his very being. He doesn’t edit his promises or his purposes. He is always perfect. This is so encouraging because a changing God may not have the power to do what he said he would do. He may change his mind and decide not to. An evolving God may eventually not have our best interest at heart. But not our God. The God who promised is the same God who will fulfill his promises. The God who said he works for our good, always will. The God who promised to return and rule on earth, and completely eliminate all sin and evil, heal every wound, wipe every tear, and restore all that’s broken will do so. We can fully trust him.

No matter what is going on in our lives, what changes are taking place for the better or worse, God is still good. No matter our health, where we live, our relationships, our jobs, our hobbies, or our moods, he is still sovereign. He is still the giver of all good things. We can trust God with our tomorrow because God doesn’t change.


Questions for Reflection:

What changes are going on in your life that may cause you to question God’s character?

How does God’s unchanging nature encourage you today?

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